Art Books

Bob Cattell joined forces with illustrator Michael Woods to publish these two beautifully presented books reflecting their shared interest in myth and folk-history.

Use this link to Tricksterville Publishing to view them in detail:  Illustrations and Publishing – Haring Woods Studio


In Reynard the Fox, Reynard the trickster presents himself to the world through a mask behind which he misbehaves outrageously. The authors take us back to his medieval origins where, whilst being alive to all his brutality and sadism, we cannot help but be enchanted by his quick wit and laugh at his cunning.  The highly coloured illustrations both adorn and emphasise the fox’s all too human cruelty.


For AGON -Tales of Conflict and Struggle in Greek Myths, the authors turned to ancient Greece partly out of fascination with their extraordinary mix of character and plot for the myths, but also for the light they throw on the violent, disturbing, comic and tragic aspects of contemporary society.

Here the themes are: Journeys, Monsters, Suffering and Death. 

Each illustration captures a moment of violence, suffering, triumph, but also inevitably ask the questions: What came before? What will happen next? The verse fragments, loosely translated from selected Graeco-Roman as well as later sources, respond directly to the images, partly answering these questions.